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Lenk totals 500 blankets for Wheeler Mission

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Mt. Comfort Elementary student Hunter Lenk collected and donated more than 500 blankets for residents of Wheeler Mission. (Submitted photo)

Mt. Comfort Elementary student Hunter Lenk collected and donated more than 500 blankets for residents of Wheeler Mission. (Submitted photo)

By Renee Larr

Hunter Lenk, an 8-year-old Mt. Comfort Elementary School student, learned it really is better to give than receive this past holiday season.

Lenk recently donated 502 blankets for residents of Wheeler Mission in his second year of collecting after being inspired by his grandmother.

“He felt the need to help people that were homeless and cold, because he saw his grandma making blessing bags,” Brittany Garrity, Lenk’s step-mother, said. “They had random essentials inside. Hunter thought the homeless needed blankets, because they would be cold. His grandma said they could try and fix that.”

Through word of mouth, Lenk’s mission spread to family members, classmates, teachers and parents. Lenk ended up collecting 105 blankets his first year and was excited at what he’d accomplished and wanted to continue the tradition.

“He got the whole picture when we delivered 105 blankets to Wheeler Mission. He was just really proud of himself and wanted to do it again,” Garrity said. “I told him we could make it an every-year thing. So, Sept. 1 this year, we started our collection again asking friends and family.”

Now Hunter’s enthusiasm for helping is spreading to his younger siblings.

“He not only exceeded his goal of 50, but he also exceed his donations from last year and then some. His brothers are catching on to it. They’re only 3 and 4, but they’re feeling excited because Hunter’s excited,” Garrity said. “They see him helping and want to help. Hopefully by the time they get in school they would want to do something like this.”

Lenk hand delivered the blankets earlier this year and with the help of his parents has created Hunter’s Hugs, a non-profit organization. He hopes to continue the tradition each year and increase his goal to help more residents of Wheeler Mission.

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