Current Publishing

Opinion: Pulling the trigger on the kitchen

Cropped Wilson Danielle

Danielle Wilson

Commentary by Danielle Wilson

It has begun. Today we pulled the trigger on our kitchen remodel, and for your reading pleasure, I promise to keep you updated on the inevitable bad choices, measurement snafus and stress-induced tirades that can only come from feeding a family of six with nothing but a microwave and a can opener.

The redo is a long time in the making. Our house has not been updated in 20 years, and the kitchen in particular is showing signs of major wear and tear. Drawer faces are falling off, cabinets aren’t closing, and the all-white appliances aren’t so white anymore. The only part that has stood the test of time are the countertops, which despite my numerous attempts to stain, burn and permanently damage them, remain obnoxiously stuck in their perfect 1990s laminate glory.

Interestingly, it was a commode catastrophe that finally got us ready to begin this massive undertaking: tree roots broke into the main sewer line, made a comfy little home for themselves, and then caused a massive blockage that sent fecal-contaminated water down our back hall, into a bedroom, and through the vents to the finished basement below. It was so not awesome, but the silver lining is we were able to make a claim on our homeowner’s insurance and gain approval for new flooring in the adjacent kitchen. In the grand tradition of “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,” one home improvement led to another and, here we are.

Our goal is to have everything complete by May, just in time for our fabulously-southern Kentucky Derby party. Personally, I don’t understand why it should take more than a week to install cabinets, place a countertop, lay the floor and slide in a new fridge. Seriously, how hard is that? But my husband Doo assures me we’ll be kitchenless for at least three, probably more, and that at least one delay will occur.

So we’ll see. Hopefully our handy man and various vendors come through, and nothing goes haywire, but knowing my luck, I’ll have plenty to write about. You’re welcome in advance. Peace out.

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