Current Publishing

Column: Communication is key

CIN COM 0301 February NoblesvilleWORKS


Commentary by Brooklyn Smitherman, 5th grade, Stony Creek Elementary


The NoblesvilleWORKS initiative is a campaign that will highlight a monthly “soft skill.” The campaign is comprised of work by Noblesville Schools administrators and counselors, the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce, Ivy Tech, Work One, Noblesville Economic Development, non-profit organizations and several local businesses. In a partnership with Current in Noblesville, students who are part of the NoblesvilleWORKS initiative will have their monthly essays published. February’s “soft skill” is Communication. For more, visit

Communication isn’t just about your words. It’s the way you say them. Your body language affects the way things come out. You have to speak clearly for people to understand that what you are saying is important. For example, if I came to you and said in a low grumbling voice, “Good morning,” while looking at the floor, that would make you think I didn’t mean what I said. Where if I came to you happily, making eye contact, it would be different. It’s very important to think about not just the words you’re saying, but the way you say them.

There are so many different types of communication. Texting, email, letters, Facebook, Twitter and video chat. But face-to-face is the most important. When you can actually hear the tone of somebody’s voice in person and see their facial expression, it’s easier to understand them. Texting can easily be misunderstood as well as emailing and any other type of social media. You should think over what you are going to say before sending it because people can easily take it the wrong way.

“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in a way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others” -Tony Robbins.

If somebody turned their back to you while you were talking to them, it would make you uncomfortable and put you down. You would think that they don’t care about you or what you are saying. So be aware of how you communicate with others.

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