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Meet your teacher: Jeff Gibbs

CIW COM 0322 MYTGibbs

Name: Jeff Gibbs

Grade/subject/school: Second grade, Oak Trace Elementary

Years teaching: 15


Bloomington High School North, Bloomington; B.S. Elementary Education, Indiana University, Bloomington; M.A. Educational Technology, IUPUI, Indianapolis.

Why did you become a teacher? “Being a teacher is the only thing I have ever wanted to be. I always knew I wanted to work with young people. I worked as a camp counselor, and then I had the opportunity, through my high school’s winter term, to work in a second-grade classroom for three weeks, which really solidified my path to becoming a teacher.”

What goals do you have for your students? “My goal for all my students is simple: grow to be the best you that you can become. We will challenge ourselves and have a lot of fun doing it, but in the end, my job is to help my students reach their full potential as learners and people.”

What do you encourage parents to do at home to help their children strengthen particular skills? “The simplest thing for students to do outside of the school day is read because reading is so connected to success is so many areas. I would also encourage parents to get their children involved in something that they are passionate about, be that music, sports, art, or anything else. Just help them grow to appreciate the work that goes into being good at something. Finally, give your students time to play, create and interact with friends.”

Favorite movie? “Good Will Hunting”

Favorite musician or band? The Counting Crows

What’s something your students might not know about you? “In college, I worked in a candy store called Mr. Bulkies, and I was in charge of the Jelly Belly section. I love to cook.”

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