Current Publishing

Zionsville students selected to star in Bright House PSAs


By Heather Lusk

Three students from Zionsville Community Schools were selected for their winning ideas in Bright House Networks and Net Literacy’s Students Speaking Out for Safety Contest by answering the question, “If you had 30 seconds, what would you say to your friends and family members about how to be safe online?”

The students’ concepts were translated into public service announcements that will air on Bright House Networks during the month of March.

Zionsville Middle School sixth grader Holly Worth, Zionsville West Middle School fifth grader Grace Howe and Zionsville Community High School junior Victoria Martine were selected to have their concepts turned into a professionally produced commercial.

Grace Howe’s message, to recognize the importance of thinking before posting while applying to college or trying to get a job, is something she tries to practice.

“I was trying to angle it that if you goofed off on the Internet and didn’t take it seriously, they would not really take you seriously,” she said.

Grace has not seen her message on television yet but has seen it on YouTube.

“I find it kind of weird that people other than my family or friends will see it,” she said.

According to Bright House, the short videos will also be used by teachers, parents and nonprofit organizations to reinforce effective and safe ways for kids to step in and help others on topics ranging from cyberbullying, social networking and privacy, as well as many other tough issues youth face online. Several hundred student entries were submitted for the contest.

“ZCS was thrilled to partner with Bright House Networks and Net Literacy to help promote internet safety. We are extremely proud of our students who created PSAs to help educate others on this very important topic,” said Kris Devereaux, director of academic services for ZCS.

The winning students will be recognized at the ZCS school board meeting April 11.

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