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Brothers pair for Eagle Scout project

CIW COM 0517 EagleScout

Patrick, left, and John Ryan present separate Eagle Scout projects, both planned for Raymond Worth Park. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

Patrick, left, and John Ryan present separate Eagle Scout projects, both planned for Raymond Worth Park. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

By Anna Skinner

Troop 107 Life Scout brothers Patrick and John Ryan only have their Eagle Scout project standing in the way of them reaching the final rank in Boy Scouts. Both boys recently presented their plans to Westfield Parks Director Melody Jones and neighbors near Raymond Worth Park, the location of their projects.

Patrick will build a two-tent sleeping platform and John will create a four-season deck overlooking the pond at Raymond Worth Park, 16301 Little Creek Ave.

“It has to be long-lasting, a lot of people put it in the words of going there with your kids and saying, ‘I built that,’” John, a Westfield High School sophomore, said of the project.

“It has to benefit the community in some way,” Patrick, a freshman, added.

Both boys must raise all the money for their projects, and they must complete all design plans themselves. The project will cost $2,800 total. The boys have each set up their own GoFundMe page to raise the money.

“We try to focus the boys on projects that impact Westfield,” said Mike Ryan, the boys’ father and a leader for Troop 107. “We try to have the (Scouts) give back to the community. If we can provide the boys with projects out there, it saves the city money, so it’s a win-win.”

The projects both began in August, and designing lasted from September to February. Fundraising is still being done.

The Ryans camp frequently, which was where Patrick said he got the raised platform idea.

“A lot of times, we go to campsites that are farther away, so something that’s within 20 minutes is really nice,” John said of his brother’s project.

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