Current Publishing

Opinion: Road workers deserve better


Several times a week, we audibly laugh at some of the news releases that sail across the transom here. And what is really incredible is that many come from government agencies about things (a) you already should know about, (b) at which you would roll your eyes, or (c) both. Last week, we received one from INDOT about drivers’ responsibilities in construction zones. We read the list, but we didn’t laugh. It made us think mostly about the commonsensical items presented in the missive that never should have had to be listed. But we, in general, comprise a people that seems to not care much about the details. As long as we’re able to drive between the orange barrels with our knees while cradling cell phones on our shoulders in an effort to keep hands free to open Vitamin Water, it’s all good. It also brought to mind a recent weekday afternoon, when one of us was returning from an engagement at IUPUI, and, there was a construction zone. One of the workers was wildly flailing his arms in an attempt to get motorists to slow their speeds. Sadly, it didn’t work. Over in Illinois, where there are construction zones, so, too, are there signs that read, “My mommy works here.” Some might ask, “Aw, isn’t that cute?” They would be wrong and missing the larger message. The highway workers are there because they’re making improvements to make your motoring life better, and they deserve the same courtesies as pedestrians. Fear not, you’ll get to your destination in one piece. It’s everyone’s business to make sure the workers do, too.

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