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New laws for Hoosiers go into effect July 1

Following the latest Indiana Statehouse session, several new laws will go into effect across the state July 1. Some of these include:

– Vehicular damage: Removing your vehicle from the roadway after property damage occurs from a crash will be law once again. The law states: ” If, after an operator of a motor vehicle is involved in an accident, the operator’s motor vehicle comes to a stop in the traveled portion of the highway, the operator shall, as soon as safely possible, move the motor vehicle off the traveled portion of the highway and to a location as close to the accident as possible. However, the operator of the motor vehicle shall not move the motor vehicle if the accident involves the transportation of hazardous materials or results in the injury or death of a person or the entrapment of a person in a vehicle. ”

– Spaying and neutering: Before you adopt a cat or dog, the pet will have to be spayed or neutered according to the law.

– Alcohol containers: Farm wineries will be able to refill growlers.

– Indiana national guardsmen funeral allowance: This law increases from $4,000 to $8,800 the funeral allowance for a member of the Indiana national guard who dies in the active service of the state.

– Artisan distilleries: Hoosiers will be able to carry-out alcohol from artisan distilleries on Sundays.

– Charter school data collection: This law removes the requirement that charter schools report certain data to the department of education.

– Release of medical tests of pregnant women: Prohibits certain practitioners from releasing to law enforcement the results of certain screenings and test results of a pregnant woman.

– Department of health matters: Allows the state department of health (state department) to use information from the cancer registry to conduct an investigation into the incidence of cancer diagnosis in a geographic region and to share the information with a local health department if certain conditions are met.

– County hospital board compensation: Increases from $3,600 to $6,000 the maximum compensation for county hospital board members. Allows for additional compensation for the board chair.

– Juvenile law: Allows an adult court having jurisdiction over a minor charged with an offense requiring the automatic transfer of jurisdiction to the adult court to withhold judgment and transfer jurisdiction to the juvenile court for adjudication and disposition if the minor is convicted of an offense, but not convicted of an offense requiring the automatic transfer of jurisdiction to the adult court

– Accident and sickness insurance claim denials: Requires the department of insurance to develop, post, and maintain on the department’s Internet web site information concerning internal and external grievances for accident and sickness insurance policies and health maintenance organization contracts.

– Museums: Provides that a majority of the current members serving on the board of trustees of the Indiana State Museum and historic sites corporation constitutes a quorum. (Current law specifies that 13 voting members of the board constitute a quorum.) Changes procedures concerning property loaned to a museum, including the acquisition of ownership of property loaned to a museum by the museum.

– Unclaimed remains of veterans: Requires the Indiana department of veterans’ affairs to: (1) establish standards for approval of veterans’ service organizations; (2) maintain a list of approved veterans’ service organizations; and (3) publish the list on the department’s Internet web site. Allows a licensed funeral director to release: (1) verification information as to whether a veteran or dependent of a veteran is eligible for burial in a state or national cemetery; and (2) cremated remains; to a veterans’ service organization if certain conditions apply. Requires a veterans’ service organization to: (1) transport cremated remains to a state or national cemetery; (2) inter, entomb, or inurn cremated remains in a state or national cemetery in accordance with applicable state and federal law; and (3) provide written information concerning the location of the cremated remains to a funeral director. Establishes certain immunity from civil liability for veterans’ service organizations and funeral directors.

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