Current Publishing

Letter: Two thumbs down for ‘Catholic fail’


I was drawn to the headline “Catholic fail” in the recent edition of the Current and, after reading the article, find myself befuddled on a number of fronts.

The inflammatory headline is inconsistent with the article content. What exactly is the referenced Catholic failure?

The article is labeled as “humor.” What element of humor is there in a young man’s decision regarding whether or not to proceed with the confirmation for which he was preparing?

Where is the community interest here that one would expect to find in articles in this newspaper? Does interest extend beyond Ms. Wilson’s family and circle of friends?

I wish the Wilsons the best as they navigate through life’s many decisions and challenges and at the same time suggest that everyone would be better served if Ms. Wilson addresses these in a different forum than in a community newspaper.

Two thumbs downs – one for the story and one for the failure of the Current to exercise even a modicum of editorial judgment in deciding to print this. Surely the Current can do better in finding content for the newspaper.

Tom Boehrer


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