Current Publishing

Hamilton County Artists’ Association organizes photography-only exhibit

ND 0719 Through a distant lens carol


By Desiree Williams


This month, the Hamilton County Artists’ Association is hosting a photography exhibit at The Birdie Gallery in Noblesville, 195 S. Fifth St. This is the second photography-only exhibit in the group’s history.

“We’re kind of the minority (in HCAA.) We wanted to shine a spotlight on the photographers in the group,” said Nicole Tredup, exhibit chairman.

“Through A Distant Lens” features photos from far off places by Bob Daugherty and six other juried members including Stephen Arnold, Alys Caviness-Gober, Carol Griffith, Michael Jacks, Michael McKinley and Nicole Tredup. Daugherty’s photos from his trip to Cuba last October inspired the exhibit’s theme.


Daugherty began working in the photography business in high school through a newspaper in Marion. He went to work for The Indianapolis Star before moving on to his 43-year career with the Associated Press. He started in Indianapolis, but relocated to Washington, D.C., to cover seven presidents.

Daugherty continued with photography after retirement, which is how he ended up going to Cuba with a group of photographers. Daugherty traveled to different areas throughout Cuba trying to capture the culture, often capturing the people as well.

“I picked people all my career and it comes naturally,” he said. “I guess there’s not a picture I have (in the exhibit) that doesn’t have something moving in it, something living.”


The exhibit also includes photos from Tennessee, Maine, South Carolina and more. It is free and open to the public, and most pieces are for sale. The Birdie Gallery will be open Thursdays and Fridays from noon to 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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