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Anniversary: Jim and Melody Price celebrate 50 years

CIZ COM 0830 Price Anniversary

Jim and Melody Price of Zionsville will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Aug. 27.

The couple was married at East Tenth United Methodist Church in Indianapolis and moved to Zionsville in 1979, where they have resided since. They both love Zionsville, where they raised their three children Jeff (Sherra), Amy and Jason, and where their three grandchildren, Evan, Morgan and Coki also reside.

They are long-time members of Zionsville United Methodist Church. Jim is retired from Dow Chemical and spent 17 years coaching Zionsville Youth Football. He now enjoys driving both elementary and middle school routes for ZCS, where he is fondly referred to by his students as “Mr. Jim.”

Melody is retired from Chase bank, is a former Boone County auditor and currently works at State Farm Insurance. She is and has been very active in the community over the years in a variety of Zionsville organizations, including Rotary International, Boys & Girls Club, Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Library, Chamber of Commerce and Boone County Master Gardeners.

Their children will host an open house from 2 to 6 p.m. Aug. 28 at Lions Park Club House in Zionsville and welcome friends to attend the celebration.

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