Current Publishing

Letter: ‘Take the blinders off’



Brian and Steve, your recent statement in the Current that H.R.C. cares only about herself, was actually an understatement. Anytime she has ever done anything for women and children, it has been purely political.

I am a registered independent and a former federal investigator that lived in the Washington, D.C. area for over seven years. I know for a fact many of the unscrupulous and illegal activities the Clintons engaged in. There were some individuals that got in their way that met an untimely demise.

I have heard the statement many times, from educated experts, that the Clintons are criminals. People who doubt this statement are uninformed and need to take the blinders off, do the proper research, and read a few books containing factual information, written by credible, honest, knowledgeable people. After doing so, If these people possess an open mind it will be easy to see what the real H.R.C. is all about.

I’m not a big Trump fan, but one thing is certain, if the people of this wonderful country put another Clinton in charge, their children and grandchildren’s futures are surely doomed.

Doug Aspy


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