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Carmel Clay campers build picnic tables for Habitat for Humanity homeowners

CIZ COM 0830 Habitat Camp

Campers built four picnic tables for Boone County Habitat for Humanity homeowners. (Submitted photo)

Campers built four picnic tables for Boone County Habitat for Humanity homeowners. (Submitted photo)

More than 50 children from the Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation summer camp gathered at Eagle Church in Whitestown to build picnic tables for the new 2016 Habitat for Humanity homeowners.

The adult leaders divided the children into four groups, with each group building a picnic table under the direction of a volunteer of Habitat staff member.

“The picnic table is a symbol and tool for bringing family and friends together. Each family in a new Habitat home in Boone County gets a picnic table in hopes of bringing their family and friends together at their new home,” Habitat board member Kevin Schmidt said. “Working with 50 middle school-aged children to assemble four picnic tables was a real learning experience for each child who participated. Not just about the actual bolting together and screwing together the boards, but it was to learn about those families that may not be as fortunate and need a little assistance in making their lives better for their families.”

Students also learned about Habitat for Humanity and its mission.

“The kids really seemed to be able to grasp the importance of a safe and affordable home for kids just like them,” volunteer coordinator Sue Burks said.

For more information on how to get involved with a Boone County Habitat affiliate, visit or email Burks at

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