Current Publishing

Letter: Inaccessible 146th Street


I, along with many others residing midway between River and Cherry Tree roads are confronted daily with a problem that only exacerbates with every passing week: the inability to access 146th Street, in particular, during peak rush periods.

Months ago, I was directed by Noblesville officials to contact county road authorities. I have not read nor have I seen any action to alleviate this dangerous and inconvenient situation.

While this corridor, a directing main artery connecting the county’s three largest cities, is always well travelled, it is normal to have stagnated traffic in the evenings, bumper to bumper, reaching from River road all the way to and sometimes beyond Gray Road.

Those on the Carmel side aren’t able to enter the road during these periods and those, like myself, cannot head east. It is reasonable to think that an emergency vehicle wouldn’t be able to gain access either, because there would be no available place for a stuck vehicle to pull over.

This is a very bad situation getting worse by the day. I would suggest, if no plans are in the works for a light, then at least a couple of median turnarounds be considered. An option to at least travel a few hundred yards and then back into the flow of intended traffic beats sitting hopelessly for five, and sometimes 10 or 15 minutes, totally immobilized.

If you feel this is something your publication agrees with and might be able to help we would all be most appreciative.

Brad Reed

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