Current Publishing

Letter: Wilson column shabby, earthy


I am a reader of Current in Geist. Most of the time I enjoy this publication about our community. Most of the writers are thoughtful and entertaining if not informative. I especially appreciate the column written by Rev. Michael VandenBerg. His comments are thoughtful and carefully written, so as to inspire more thought or discussion on the topic at hand. His topics are almost always relevant to our community life together.

In contrast, I have found the column by Danielle Wilson to be very shabby, earthy, sometimes even off color. The offering this week, “I’m amazing: here’s why,” is a good case in point. She is not amazing, she is narcissistic just as so many young people are today. There was too much personal information and nothing edifying about the article. I did not even find it entertaining as for example was Dick Wolfsie’s article in the same issue. I do not know Danielle, but I would like to think she is an educated woman who can think about something other than her bodily functions and scantily clad form.

I don’t know what type of challenges you face in finding qualified contributors to your publications. I would like to suggest that Danielle does not do service to your otherwise entertaining and informative publications. It is the single most disgusting part of the publication.

Linda Pendleton


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