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Carmel High School Democrats work to promote political involvement

CIC COM 0809 CHS Democrats

From left, Cole Ferguson, Noah Huber and Brian Hancock organized the Carmel High School Democrats. (Submitted photo)

From left, Cole Ferguson, Noah Huber and Brian Hancock organized the Carmel High School Democrats. (Submitted photo)

By Anna Skinner

Despite its name, the Carmel High School Democrats group exists to educate students about politics in general, not just for one party.

“Carmel High School Democrats is a local chapter of High School Democrats of America, a national organization of high schoolers who are ideologically aligned with the Democratic party,” Cole Ferguson, executive board member of the Carmel group, said. “Our mission is to get people under the age of 18 actively interested in politics and educated in politics. If they learn when they’re young, they’re more likely to learn as they grow up.”

Throughout the year, CHS Democrats hosts a variety of speakers and registration drives encouraging seniors to vote. Last year, CHS Democrats registered approximately 120 seniors. Ferguson works with fellow students Brian Hancock, Noah Huber and Sebastian Thatcher.

“We are more involved in getting people active. Whilst we do personally align ourselves with the Democratic party, our major goal is to get the youth involved and get them excited about getting involved,” Ferguson said.

In addition to running the local level, Ferguson, Hancock and Huber also are chairmen for the Indiana High School Democrats, where they assisted with the Bernie Sanders campaign and are now working with the John Gregg campaign.

“The state organization does more of the logistical work for the entire state and communications for high school organization in state. Local chapters are small level,” Ferguson said.  “But our (local) organization as a whole is to get the youth more involved in the political spectrum. It’s good to get both sides of the issues and have everyone have a say and get involved.”

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