Current Publishing

Letter: Vote ‘Yes’ on referendum


On behalf of our school corporation, I strongly urge my fellow citizens to vote “yes” and pass the Westfield Washington School Referendum on November 8. This referendum is a renewal request and reduces the amount of your property taxes. When you vote “yes” for passage of this renewal you will start saving 0.03 cents per $100 of assessed value each year over the next seven years.

Strong schools are indicative of thriving, healthy and safe communities. We all benefit as our property values rise and our citizens have greater opportunities. Our schools provide a great value drawing people to Westfield. More people bring more jobs as jobs follow the work force in today’s economy. Our economic success is directly related to the quality of our schools. They continue to respond to the needs of our community and are consistently adjusting and improving their performance as indicated by their high test score results and high graduation rate. Again, I urge you to join me in voting “yes” for our school referendum November 8. It is a value proposition. Our children deserve our investment in their future and you deserve the tax reduction and rising property values you get.

Jim Ake

Vice president, Westfield City Council


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