Current Publishing

Snapshot: Noblesville Schools dedicate Mallery Woods near White River Elementary

CIN COM 1101 mallery woods

Noblesville Schools honored Garrick Mallery Aug. 26 at a dedication to name Mallery Woods, part of the property acquired by the district from Mallery in 1992. The woods are adjacent to White River Elementary School on Cumberland Road and surround the Chinquapin Outdoor Education Center, which is used by Noblesville Schools for outdoor student study and exploration. The elementary and nearby cross-country and soccer facilities were all built on former Mallery land. Prior to ownership by the Mallery family, the property was part of a land grant deeded by President James Monroe in 1824. That deed, framed in historic barn wood from the site, is on display at White River Elementary. Mallery is a Noblesville resident and 1945 graduate of Noblesville High School. His five grandchildren attended White River Elementary. (Submitted photo)

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