Current Publishing

Letter: Council should not intrude into consumer services


I have read several letters to the editor regarding the city council’s decision to mandate trash collection, and am also deeply disappointed in their decision.

I have been a Ray’s Trash customer for 25 years and am now being forced to use another company, despite the many years of excellent service I have enjoyed with Ray’s. When the council first decided it needed to butt into my trash collection, I didn’t think much about it because I had the ability to opt out. But now it is mandatory that I use a service that is 1) more expensive and 2) more restrictive.

I am a single mom with two kids in college, so every single penny counts in my household.

My neighborhood covenants require that I maintain my lawn and landscaping to a certain standard. To do so, I often have several yard waste bags at my curb for pickup after a weekend working in my yard. This occurs all summer long. I am not quite sure how I am supposed to maintain my home to Carmel standards if my trash service only allows extra bags a few weeks out of the year, that are determined by someone other than me. Ray’s will collect up to 10 bags every week without additional charges.

Shame on all of you for intruding into consumer services where you do not belong!

Sheila Bannister, Carmel

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