Current Publishing

People Factor comes to Fishers, aids companies with employment 

CIF Business Local 0124 PeopleFactor


By Anna Skinner

Sanya Strawser originally launched People Factor to create a strategic human resources company to aid companies and their employees.


“(Employment) has to be different than it is today,” she said. “The services we offer is partnering with companies and working with them so they can train better, acquire skills, stay engage, have a good work and life balance, and get the coaching or career counseling they need.”

People Factor screens potential employees for companies to find the right fit and then send the best names back to the hiring manager. Jessica Read, an intern from Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, said although the company opened in Fishers last summer, Strawser is really starting to push her business for the new year.

“Not only do we help hire, but we also develop within company,” Read said. “We offer executive coaching, career coaching and even focus groups. We want to make sure everything keeps running smoothly even after the person is hired in. We also offer employee engagement or (activities to retain employees) which might include event planning like the company going to the zoo or a company picnic. We make it happen, plan it and get everybody together. This might be holiday parties or rewards programs.”

Strawser said that often times if a company doesn’t take care of its people, the employees become disgruntled.

“I want to change the way employers see their people,” she said.

“We also are wanting to provide diagnostics for companies, like whenever they want services but don’t know what they need, like a health check-up,” Read added.

The People Factor website claims its mission is “to help organizations create an efficient and meaningful work life through inspirational and creative people processes.”

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