Current Publishing

Letter: CHS should think about its future students, too


The pastor of Carmel Christian Church stated, “Our (Carmel High) school needs to be a place of safety and respect of all people.” This statement was a reaction to the school authorities destroying approved pro-life posters posted by the school’s Teens for Life Club.

Apparently, a single student complained that the posters made her uncomfortable. I suggest that if the pastor wants to improve the safety and respect of all people he start by defending the right-to-life of the unborn.

It would be to the school’s advantage to recognize that the abortion deaths of 7,952 future students in Indiana in 2016 make the 763 murders in Chicago look like child’s play. How can a school claim to be looking out for the best interests of children if it sides with forces encouraging the killing of its future clientele?

John T. Curran, Carmel

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