Current Publishing

Letter: Disagreeing on Trump’s Twitter persona


Frankly it is frightening that you are “perplexed by all the angst associated with President Donald Trump’s demeanor and Twitter finger since the election.”


It is one thing when, as a candidate, he accuses Senator Cruz’ father of playing a role in JFK’s assassination or when he calls Senator Rubio a choker. It has become acceptable as standard campaign fare during primary season. After he won the nomination and campaigned towards the general election, he should have toned it down, but he is incapable.

Before the inauguration, he inserted himself into the U.S. drone seizure by China after it was already settled!

He won the election, began to receive PDBs then tweeted about boosting our nuclear arsenal:

He has shown example after example how thin-skinned he is. He not only antagonizes private citizens, American companies but also foreign countries. It would be easy to remind you that his desired vehicle for communication, Twitter, is not a bastion of security. It is not out of the realm of comprehension that he could either lose his cool or get hacked and incendiary tweets could emanate from his account.

I can respect your view on issues whether they align or differ with mine but your cavalier acceptance of his Twitter persona is not something I was going to let slide.

Peter Merante, Fishers 

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