Current Publishing

Letter: Unfair to devalue protestors 


With regard to your column in the Zionsville Current on January 31st, I agree that any big inquiry into voter fraud is unnecessary and a complete waste of tax payers money. All the key agencies that oversee the US elections have found no evidence of voter fraud. For this same reason I would argue there is no need for the addition of voter ID. It is well known that voter ID would create more hurdles for poor minorities to vote.

I also take issue with Terry Anker’s column which attempted to under value those who have peacefully protested in recent weeks. Whether they were on the woman’s march for equality of the annual pro life march in Washington this is one way to let our government know we are here and we have concerns. To imply that this is the limit of folks involvement seems baseless. There seems to be a huge effort to inundate the White House with petitions, calls, letters and emails. President Trump won the election because many people felt ignored and let down by Washington so it seems unfair and unnecessary to devalue the peaceful protesters who want to be heard.  We don’t all have the privilege of writing a weekly opinion piece in a newspaper.

Maria Holmes


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