Current Publishing

Cultivating Conference for women returns to Hazel Dell Christian Church

CIC COM 0405 Cultivating Lovely


By Desiree Williams

The Cultivating Conference is back for its second year at Hazel Dell Christian Church, 14501 Hazel Dell Pkwy. Krista Dunbar and Anna Scott co-founded the conference to encourage women to express themselves with faith-inspired confidence.


“The whole thing about the conference is cultivating more Christ into culture,” Dunbar said. “The hope is that (women) would come away from the weekend being able to connect with each other, feeling 100 percent refreshed and feeling encouraged and inspired to continue in their faith.”

The conference started with Dunbar scribbling ideas in a yellow notebook. She planned to create a retreat for a small group, but the ideas kept forming and the notebook soon filled up. She reached out to friends to speak, which is when Scott got involved.

“(Anna is) like the cheerleader and motivator,” Dunbar said.

After the first conference, Dunbar and Scott dropped “Lovely” from the conference’s title so that they can incorporate a new theme each year. This year’s theme is “Speak Up.”

“I just feel like sometimes we are not necessarily insecure, but intimidated to speak up with what we believe or just anything along that line,” Dunbar said. “So, I think just to encourage women to essentially speak who they are into their communities and be OK with using their voice and know that they don’t have to be perfect.”

The weekend includes a coffee bar, worship, 10 speakers and an optional barre class from The Barre Code Indianapolis.

Doors open at 6 p.m. April 21 and 8:30 a.m. April 22. Tickets are $25, which includes a tote, unlimited coffee and brunch on Saturday.

Compassion International, a Christian aid organization, is a conference sponsor, which gives attendees the opportunity to sponsor a child living in poverty. There also is a “scholarship” option for participants to purchase two tickets with one given to someone who can’t afford it.

Registration closes April 1. To learn more and purchase tickets, visit

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