Current Publishing

Student profile: Lexie Skelton

CIW COM 0404 Studentprofile


By Taylor Carter

Current in Westfield is highlighting Westfield High School graduates. To submit someone for this feature, email ideas to Editor Anna Skinner at


Lexie Skelton graduated from Westfield High School in 2014. She is currently a student at University of Southern Indiana.

Q: Did you have a favorite class or subject in high school?

I enjoyed a lot of my science classes. I really liked Zoology with Mr. Compton, Anatomy and Physiology, and all of my AP Science classes. I loved these classes the most because of the teachers.

Q: Do you remember your most influential high school class or teacher?

It’s really a pretty big tie. Mr. Rauch, Mrs. McQueen and Mrs. Hasler-Troutman were so much more than teachers. They were caregivers, supporters and friends, and I’m still in contact with some today. They just made me feel important and like I could do things that had they not been supporting me, I wouldn’t be able to do. They were just some of the greatest people I’ve met in my life.

Q: What were you involved in during high school?

The biggest thing I was involved in was the Fellowship of Christian Athletes that Mr. Gilbert helps run. I was also involved in Student Impact which is kind of separate from school, but we met at school about once a month.

Q: What do you miss about high school?

What I miss the most is the community I built and the people I was involved with. Through being involved in those organizations, serving and volunteering, it definitely helped me understand who I was.

Q: Did you join any organizations or school activities in college?

Yes, I am part of Ambassadors here at USI which is a group that gives tours and welcomes new students. I also helped start an organization called Timmy Global Health on campus last spring where we set up a partner clinic in a third-world country to provide services to the community. We send students to the country to serve in the clinic throughout the year.

Q: What is your major?

I am majoring in Biology and Pre-Med as well as a Spanish major with a minor in Health Administration.

Q: What’s your dream job?

I would like to be a pediatric surgeon, and I’d like to do some part-time mission work in Nicaragua.

Q: What are you up to now?

I took pride in high school being actively involved, so I try to do the same here. I help with my church’s youth group on Sundays, and I obviously like to spend time with my friends.

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