Current Publishing

Letter: Great schools help property values


I remember clearly the motivation that focused our search for a home toward Carmel. Twenty-nine years ago, it was schools, schools, schools. Both of our children achieved graduation with their entire education occurring within the walls of the Carmel Clay school system.

Now that they are launched into successful careers and I only drive by schools now, it would be natural for me to adopt a fiscal view of schools that includes words like: stop, enough and adequate. However, as a property owner in Carmel, that viewpoint would be extremely shortsighted. Just as I was lured to Carmel those many years ago by a strong school system, I believe that trend must continue in order to protect the value of my home.

Throughout our history, the Carmel community has made it a priority to invest in a top-quality education for our children. I appreciate the taxpayers who came before me and created the system we are proud of and richly benefit from. There is no argument that the reputation of excellent schools still provides a healthy climate for the housing market. It is now my turn to protect that reputation, and so I ask you to join me in supporting the replacement referendum  May 2.

This is not a vote for bricks and mortar, but programs and people. The replacement referendum will keep in place funds we voted for seven years ago. I have attended more than one detailed presentation by Superintendent Wahl, and I am convinced the referendum makes sense, is not excessive and would have a negative effect on our community if it is not approved. Please vote yes and insure excellence remains a vital ingredient to our success.

Jeff Worrell, Carmel city councilor

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