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Letter: Schools near capacity, vote yes


We all know Westfield Washington Schools is one of the fastest-growing school districts in the state of Indiana. I have been a teacher in the system for 22 years and have witnessed the growth and how it impacts our students and classrooms. Twice at the intermediate school we have had to have portable classrooms to keep up with our student population growth. Unless we are proactive with citizens voting YES to the referendum in the May 2 election, we will be facing the same issue for the third time. As of right now our high school, middle school and intermediate school are within 100 students of full capacity.

Because of physical classroom shortages our classes will be larger next year. At WIS, we have been told to expect 30 students in each class. As the diversity of our student population continues to increase as well, it is difficult to give that many students the individual attention they need to reach their full potential.

Referendum funds also will help our schools keep up with the technology demands for our students to continue to be competitive while at Westfield Washington Schools and beyond with their career and college choices.

As a teacher that has given my heart and soul to our students, I want what is best for them. Please vote YES to the referendum May 2 so we may continue to send our precious ones out into the world with all the tools they need to succeed socially, emotionally and academically.


Jan Brill

Westfield Intermediate science exploration teacher

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