Current Publishing

Letter: Check signs, lane markings for roundabout safety


In response to “How to drive in the roundabout capital of the U.S.” in your April 11 issue, the biggest mistake that I see is people not paying attention to the entry signs and lane markings as to which lane is allowed to do what, especially because not all roundabouts are created equal. This is especially a problem when you have two lanes entering the roundabout, but only one lane exiting straight ahead. In that case, the general advice to get in the left lane to go straight is a problem.

Most roundabouts in that configuration in Carmel allow the right lane to turn right, go straight or turn left. In that configuration, the left lane is only allowed to turn left. I can’t count how many times I have entered that type of roundabout in the right lane planning to turn left because I needed to be in that lane exiting the roundabout, and the person in the left lane beside me decided to go straight. I have almost been T-boned several times because the person in the left lane attempted to go straight from the left lane while I was turning left in front of them.

So my general advice is please check the signs and lane markings when entering any roundabout in Carmel.

Michael Christian, Carmel

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