Current Publishing

Zionsville residents encouraged to exercise, talk health at Walk with a Doc

CIZ HEALTH 0516 Walk With a Doc


By Heather Collins

Zionsville Family Chiropractic is offering residents an opportunity to step outside of the doctor’s office for a casual walk with a doctor.


Walk with a Doc, a national non-profit, offers a program to encourage patients to walk and help doctors effect behavioral change outside of a clinical setting.

Dr. Nathan Sermersheim of Zionsville Family Chiropractic said he read about the program in a magazine and thought it was a great idea.

“It’s a unique opportunity since most patient/doctor relationships happen in a small exam room,” Sermersheim said.  “Getting to walk and interact with the community is a great way to get to know the people you treat while doing something healthy for your body.”

Zionsville Family Chiropractic and Sermersheim are hosting the walks every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. through early fall. During the walk, participants are encouraged to ask Sermersheim general health questions.

The walk will begin with a short meet-and-greet followed by a five-minute doctor-led discussion about a general health topic. Then the group will walk for 30 to 40 minutes. At the end of the walk, blood pressures cuffs will be available for anyone interested in checking their blood pressure.

Sermersheim said Zionsville Family Chiropractic has reached out to additional health care professionals throughout the area to join them for the Walk with a Doc program. Sermersheim said the goal is to build a group of multiple physicians that are willing to discuss different topics and walk with the community.

The walks will start at Mulberry Fields, 9645 Whitestown Road in Zionsville.

For information on Walk with a Doc, visit

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