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Blooming Life Yoga Wellness Event coming to Traders Point Creamery

CIZ HEALTH 0523 Wellness Event


By Heather Lusk

A mix of yoga, music, food and festivities will fill the Blooming Life Wellness Event at Traders Point Creamery in May.


The idea began when Blooming Life Yoga’s owner, Lily Kessler, recognized unique businesses and services are being created by community members.

“There are so many really beautiful things that people are doing just out of their own passion,” she said. “Their passion is bringing wellness not only into their own lives and their families but sharing it in the public.”

Wellness vendors such as an acupuncturist and reflexologist will attend along with others selling essential oils, cosmetics and food.

Being able to share these local businesses with a wider public spurred the idea for Kessler. A family yoga session at 11:30 a.m. will kick off a day of group yoga sessions, ending with Kirtan at 1:30 p.m.

Although admission is free, any proceeds or donations will be given to Freedom United, which teaches others to recognize human trafficking.

“If we can recognize that, we can be more conscientious consumers, and we can be a voice for the voiceless,” Kessler said.

For the last two years, Blooming Life Yoga has hosted Mats on Main Street, a public yoga class held under the tents traditionally set up the night before the annual Brick Street Market, which necessitated the closing of Main Street.

The town recently decided to eliminate the tents and keep Main Street open the night before the market this year, but Kessler wanted to continue the tradition of hosting an annual public event.

“We hope that it gets bigger and bigger,” she said.

The wellness event is set for 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 27 at Traders Point Creamery, 9101 Moore Rd., Zionsville.

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