Current Publishing

Letter: Cartoon ‘another cheap shot’


I wanted to write to lodge a complaint about Tim Campbell’s cartoon published in the June 6 edition of Current in Zionsville.

Perhaps my take on it is wrong, but it seems to me to be yet another cheap shot taken at a candidate that, while she lost, was graciousness enough to show up to her opponent’s inauguration and put the country’s interests ahead of her stymied bid for president.

In light of the ongoing investigations and continued revelations about the Republicans’ complicity in laundering money from Russian oligarchs, I question why Hillary continues to be attacked repeatedly by a party that has placed its own self interest above the interests of America as a sovereign nation.

I like to think that as a resident of Zionsville, the current crop of Republicans I live around are much more capable of arguing for conservative principles on their own merit, not by shoving their failures off to a boogeywoman of their own making.

Please consider refraining from casting stones while we have someone in office that was put there by the aid of someone who is proud of the fact that he has a Nixon tattoo on his back, amongst plenty of other “colorful” characters.

The Republican party has a (lot) of house cleaning to do. In 2017, it’s not that woman’s work.

S​.​ Zlotek​, Zionsville​

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