Current Publishing

Snapshot: Nature Play Days encourage outdoor exploration

CIZ COM 0627 Nature Play Day 1

Nathan Fritts, 3, tossed homemade rings on milk bottles with his sister Addison, 5, both from Zionsville.


The week of June 10 to 18 children were encouraged to enjoy outside events during Nature Play Days in Zionsville. The Zion Nature Center, which initiated the event, encouraged other organizations around town to participate with events that “have to be outside and have to be recreation or nature-based,” said Mindy Murdock, Zionsville park naturalist. The 13 events were in all areas of Zionsville, with many at the Zion Nature Center and Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library. Approximately 75 people visited Maplelawn to tour the Depression-era farmstead and learn about life in the 1930s.

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