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Column: Help! I can’t stand my living room

CIN IO 0801 krista bocko column

Here is an example of a living room that has potential but lacks a good aesthetic. (Submitted photo)

Here is an example of a living room that has potential but lacks a good aesthetic. (Submitted photo)

Commentary by Krista Bocko


It could be any room in your house or multiple rooms. It’s such a common dilemma, so let’s break down how you can start to take steps to start to love it, or at least not hate it with the passion of 1,000 fiery suns.

Step 1: Let go of the notion that décor is ultimately frivolous, and you shouldn’t really even concern yourself with how your space looks, functions and makes you feel. I know it makes me feel better to be in a space that I love and that makes me feel good.

Step 2: Write down what you like about the room, whether it’s furniture, architectural features, paint color or décor, and what it is that is making you hate the room. Make a list of each.

Step 3: List what you ideally want to add or change, and even add a budget and timeline. This is important, because otherwise it’s too easy to let time go by and not do anything in achieving a more likable space. Set some goals.

Step 4: Decide what to do first. Paint is usually the easiest way to update, so for many people, that’s where they start. Coming up with a to-do list and phases for your room is helpful, especially if you’re doing a more extensive room update, like replacing flooring. Speaking of phases, it’s also fine, and even preferable, to go slow and let the room come together over time, with thoughtfulness and intention.

Step 5: Try to enjoy the journey your house can lead you on. You know your house, yourself and your family better than anyone, and it is so rewarding to find that alignment of truly enjoying the space you inhabit.

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