Current Publishing

Purses event will benefit Alternatives, Inc.

CIF COM 0808 PursesforaPurpose

Rafael Sanchez will emcee the Purses for a Purpose event Aug. 26. (Submitted photo)

Rafael Sanchez will emcee the Purses for a Purpose event Aug. 26. (Submitted photo)

By Renee Larr

Alternatives Inc., a domestic and sexual violence shelter serving six central Indiana counties, will host its second fundraising event, Purses for a Purpose, at 11 a.m. Aug. 26 at the Wellington in Fishers, 9775 North by Northeast Blvd. The event auctions purses to raise funds for AI.

“We’re going to have new purses and unique purses. We’ll have a live auction and a silent auction,” said Andrea Carlile, community engagement specialist for AI. “The live auction will feature surprise local celebrities modeling the purses. The silent auction will include new and gently used purses as well as unique non-purse items such as gift cards and baskets from boutiques.”

Purses are donated by local businesses or individuals who want to help support the agency. Rafael Sanchez will emcee the event. A light lunch will be provided.

“We’re also going to have a wine pull and a raffle for an Amazon gift card,” Carlile said.

Proceeds will go toward providing protection and assistance to domestic violence victims in Hamilton, Hancock, Henry, Madison, Marion and Tipton counties.

“Each county has an outreach advocate that does education, helps with protective orders, going to court with victims, works with local police to help when there is a domestic situation,” Carlile said. “We also have programs for prevention. Raise the Bar is a bystander prevention training for bar employees and their owners. It helps them to identify a potential perpetrator and or victim and how to safely interview.”

Last year’s event reached more than 150 guest. This year’s goal is to double that amount.

“We’re hoping to have around 300 people,” Carlile said.

Tickets are $35 and can be purchased by visiting

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