Current Publishing

Letter: Resist the roundabout ‘challenge’


I sincerely hope no one takes Bill Shaffer up on his challenge to go joy riding around as many roundabouts as possible in an hour in August, adding to the congestion we already encounter in this city, especially in the face of the numerous detours forced by construction.

In addition his “challenge” encourages wasting valuable resources, fossil fuels and adding to the pollution (air and noise) in our community. Apparently Mr. Shaffer believes, possibly because of the irrationally low gasoline prices or because money is no object for him, that such things do not matter and drives as if he has a spare world in his trunk to pull out when things go wrong with the one, the only one, we have. I find his cavalier attitude to our environment absolutely not funny.

Rather than “Let us begin” say: let us desist!

Alison Brown, Carmel

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