Current Publishing

Letter: Slippery slope analogy


Danielle Wilson, I enjoyed your column, “In support of moms,” from Aug. 15, but there were parts that were very patronizing to stay-at-home mothers.

“Personally, I was not cut out to keep toddlers alive and entertained for 10 to 12 hours a day.” I think you conveyed your point, and it’s valid.

But then you went on to say, “I couldn’t handle the monotony and loneliness of constantly discussing Barbie’s wardrobe options with a preschooler.”

Do you think all stay-at-home mothers craft their day in that fashion? Even if they did, implying that it’s lonely and monotonous is quite condescending and arrogant.

Also, debating stay-at-home moms has been going on since women entered the workforce, so don’t blame it on today’s political climate.

Lastly, what does a fictional novel that you mentioned in the article, “The Handmaid’s Tale,” about a totalitarian society that treat women as property of the state, have the slightest connection to the topic of women choosing to stay home with their kids?

Seriously, is that your potential slippery slope analogy?

I’m at a loss for words. Good luck and God bless.

Justin Greger

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