Current Publishing

Letter: Pedestrian bridge needed at Monon Crossing


With some of the proposed $101 million in debt up for consideration, may I recommend a safety improvement for the Monon Trail at its intersection with Smokey Row (and perhaps other busy cross streets). I would suggest moving the pathway to an elevated status as was done at 146th Street.

As someone who drives this area frequently, I am in constant fear of and for the many users of the Monon Trail who disregard the trail instructions and just proceed out into the cross street with little attention to automobile traffic. I and many others slow to a crawl as we approach this area, and personally I have had to hit my brakes hard and suddenly to avoid a careless trail user. There is very apparent confusion regarding who truly has the right-of-way at this intersection. A legal explanation would be appreciated regarding the right-of-way.

An elevated trail over Smokey Row would certainly give motorists better peace of mind and would also improve the flow of traffic during busy times when so many motorists must slow considerably in fear of a pedestrian-automobile catastrophic encounter. It would be my suggestion that this be given priority and consideration before a tragic accident might occur.

Kevin Stark, Carmel

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