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FHS, HSE celebrate national FFA week

A teacher appreciation breakfast was held last year at Hamilton Southeastern High School. (Submitted photo)

Fishers High School and Hamilton Southeastern High School will celebrate National Future Farmer’s of America Week through Feb. 24. The agricultural club will conduct activities for students and teachers.

“Tuesday through Friday students we’ll have dress up days,” said Samantha Miller Hamilton, Southeastern FFA chapter advisor. “Tuesday is camo day and Thursday is blue and gold day. We have a partnership with Fall Creek Elementary kindergarten classes, so I’m taking some of our FFA classes over there to talk with them about agriculture. We have a different topic we discuss with them every month. That’s an ongoing partnership, but it aligns nicely to have that activity during FFA week.”

Students also will host a teacher appreciation breakfast at HSE and lunch at FHS.

“It takes a lot of teacher support. We appreciate our teachers taking the time to work with us,” said Emma Swain, HSE FFA president.

On Friday, the students will host a petting zoo at HSE.

“The students bring in lots of animals,” Miller said. “Small animals from dogs, cats, chinchillas and rabbits to huge animals like horses, goats and llamas. It’s open to all the high school students. It’s a really cool event.”

The week will culminate with a community ham and bean supper at the Wayne-Fall Lions Club.

“They let us come in and help us cook a meal. We invite people from the community to come and find out more about FFA and the Lions Club,” Swain said.

Swain hopes the week inspires other students to join FFA.

“FFA isn’t one of the bigger clubs at HSE, so having national FFA week is a great way to show who we are. A lot of our membership comes from the exposure during FFA week,” she said.

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