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Town of Zionsville seeks student art for Walking Man sculpture

Zionsville Community High School students will have the opportunity to have artwork featured for years to come on Zionsville’s Walking Man sculpture.

The sculpture is in the outdoor plaza at Zionsville Town Hall just off the Big-4 Rail Trail. The 10-foot tall steel sculpture was gifted to the town in 2016 by the Community Foundation of Boone County.

Zionsville Mayor Tim Haak and Director of Communications Amanda Dorman with one of the five Walking Man sculptures. (Submitted photo)

“While preparing to celebrate the Foundation’s 25th anniversary in 2016, our staff began to brainstorm ways in which we could share our mission in Boone County,”  Kristi Reynolds, president and CEO of CFBC,  stated in an email. “During a meeting with Lebanon’s Back to the ’50s Festival (committee) the idea of the Walking Man sculptures was brought up. We thought it was a perfect way to tie our communities together through art.”

The sculptures were designed by Anderson-based artist Levi Rinker. Lebanon, Whitestown and Jamestown also received Walking Man sculptures.

“This is the first time Boone County communities received such a sculpture,” Amanda Vela, Town of Zionsville director of communications, stated in an email. “Each community is able to decide if they want to decorate it and where they want to place it.”

ZCHS students can work as teams or individually to create a permanent design for  sculpture. Designs must relate to Zionsville and be submitted by April 16.

Five designs will be chosen by the town. The winner will be chosen through the town’s Facebook page (

The winning design will be part of the sculpture for years to come.

“They will be able to be recognized on the actual sculpture or on a plaque,” Vela said. “Hundreds of people utilizing the Big-4 Rail Trail every day, especially in warmer seasons, will see this public art which will be permanently displayed on the town hall plaza.”

Students should contact the ZCHS Art Dept. for an application. They may be sent to Vela at

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