Current Publishing

Opinion: Calm after the storm

Danielle Wilson

Danielle Wilson

In trying to figure out what to write about this week, I took a stroll down memory lane. Some of my Current articles from 2009 in particular are a hoot. There’s one about me calling poison control when my niece ate cortisone cream under my watch. There’s one delivering a beautiful eulogy on “Big Red,” our first minivan. And the best, a column detailing how adept kids are at employing chemical, biological and psychological warfare against parents: “Bodily fluids are available, free and extremely versatile in the hands of a child. You must be prepared!” Now,  that’s great writing.

Most of 2010 followed our adventures in real estate, including my horrifying accidental Republican vote in the primaries and a subsequent mental breakdown in the dairy aisle at Marsh while living with my in-laws in between houses. Good times. Goo-ood times.

Other highlights from through the years? The epic “Fist-to-the-face Incident” when my younger son popped his older, bratty brother during a family road trip that nearly put us in a ditch. The slow but steady death of my beloved water bra right in the middle of a lesson on polynomials that I was teaching. And, of course, the literal geyser of poo that erupted two years ago from our main hall toilet that resulted in a complete kitchen remodel.

By comparison, I feel like life has been on cruise control of late. No more little ones under foot, no new jobs or homes on the horizon, and for the most part, little drama, save for the occasional teenage girl outburst. It may mean fewer exciting columns, sure, but we can always walk down memory lane.

Peace out.

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