Current Publishing

Opinion: Countdown to summer

Danielle Wilson

Danielle Wilson

Sing with me and the lead from Europe: “It’s the fi-nal count-down!” We’re in the home stretch, people. The final countdown to summer. Six weeks or so until late mornings, homework-free nights and, God willing, warm weather become the norm. I’m not sure why I need June to get here so badly, but these last few months have been exhausting. Anyone else?

For me, it’s been a slow, almost imperceptible build-up of teaching and parenting stresses combined with schizophrenic weather that has me longing for a beach and a mai tai. But I didn’t realize how tired and overwhelmed I was until spring break because like most moms, I just kept pushing forward, regardless of my own state of mind.

After a short weekend in New York City with one of my twins to check out some colleges and stand in line for hours to enjoy a milkshake/cookie dough/Statue of Liberty (in order of priority), I immediately lost a fight to a nasty cold and subsequently did nothing except sneeze and mainline Netflix’s Santa Clarita Diet for 72 hours. By Thursday, I was finally able to tackle the long-neglected yard work, taxes and actually cook a non-Kraft dinner, but was in bed by 8:30 almost every night. Not exactly the break I had planned, but clearly much-needed.

So, as I look ahead to these last few weeks of school, I’m hoping I can make it to May 30S. The sun is shining today, which is a good sign, and homework for my kiddos should subside as exams approach. At the very least, I now have a mantra: “It’s the final countdown!”

Peace out.

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