Current Publishing

Letter: Glynn not part of elite establishment

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I humbly request you share with your readers reasons I will be voting for Fred Glynn for Hamilton County Council.

Fred is the real deal. I first met him four years ago when he knocked on my door asking for my vote for his initial term as Hamilton County councilman. Imagine, a candidate actually meeting voters face to face with a personal appeal.

Now, if Fred had been part of the elite establishment he could have leaned back and let the donations of the entrenched power structure flood the county with large signs and radio and TV ads. Fred’s opponent is apparently doing just that; the endorsements of Sue Maki by all the mayors and many current and former elected officials and contractors doing business with the county raises a red flag for me. I very much doubt Sue will knock on my door.

Why are all these power brokers so eager to see Fred defeated? Are they afraid he may impede or block their access to the money we, the taxpayers, work so hard to earn? Afraid they should be, as Fred has been the voting taxpayers’ friend on the county council the past four years, the last of which he ably served as council president.

Fred Glynn is the owner of a commodity rarely seen these days, the heart of a civil servant, volunteering his time on behalf of us, the taxpayers. Fred has been my, and your, watchdog on the council, ensuring essential services and improvements take place but without the fluff that wastes taxpayer’s money. Examples are his watchful eye on the county jail expansion and mass transit boondoggles that could open into a bottomless pit for taxpayers.

John T. Curran, Carmel

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