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Letter: Quakenbush values remain steadfast

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My name is Carrie VanAlstine. I am a small business owner in Hamilton County, and I’m writing this letter in response to negative comments about Dennis Quakenbush, candidate for Hamilton County Sheriff, because I feel it is important to show to the public his strength of character. I have known the Quakenbush family for many years and consider them good friends. Recently, Christen, Dennis’ wife, reached out to some friends for encouragement and strength during the campaign. It is one thing to have the notion of “When they go low, we go high,” it is entirely different to live it. They are living it. This is an excerpt from a private message Christen recently sent to some close friends. With her permission, I would like to share it:

“Thank you for your continued prayers, support, and volunteer hours. It’s all making a huge difference. Only 11 days to go and our mission is still to campaign in a way that would glorify God. The outcome is in His hands. This is why you don’t see us engaging or responding to verbal attacks. There are some nasty false accusations another team is trying to broadcast and we have asked our supporters not to engage in arguments with these individuals, but rather, write their own positive post in support of Dennis. As the sheriff election gets closer these attacks are getting more slanderous and we need your prayer more than ever.

We were told before beginning this campaign that our reputation would get drug through the mud. That didn’t concern us so much. We are here to represent Christ and have nothing to fear. But as it turns out, I’m personally devastated and heartbroken when something false and slanderous is said about my husband.

New prayer requests:

With Love, 


They could certainly respond to those who have spoken falsely of them, but they are taking the high road and running a clean campaign. Even when being misrepresented, the Quakenbush values remain steadfast. Dennis Quakenbush is the type of leader want as the Hamilton County Sheriff.

Carrie VanAlstine

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