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Letter: Fellow commissioners endorse Altman

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As Hamilton County continues to grow, and face an increasing population, now more than ever as Commissioners, we must be prepared with historical knowledge, a strategic vision and the know-how to analyze past and current data.

With growth comes both opportunity and challenges. Christine has played a critical role in the success of our County. She has the proven skills to manage the growth and direction of Hamilton County.

We would like to acknowledge a few successful that have come to life during Christine’s 15 years as Commissioner:

We are confident Christine will continue to advocate and support investments in infrastructure projects for public safety, court, parks, and transportation systems.

Christine is collaborative, a visionary and an outstanding partner to work on large projects with. Her knowledge is key in continuing to make our County successful.

Vote for Christine Altman on May 8.

Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt and Commissioner Steve Dillinger

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