Current Publishing

Snapshot: Hussey Mayfield hosts Dig Indy VR Tour

CIZ COM 0626 DigIndy Snapshot 2

Eight-year-old Ana Bhatt of Zionsville uses a virtual reality headset to view a tour of the DigIndy tunnel.

CIZ COM 0626 DigIndy Snapshot 2

The Hussey Mayfield Memorial Library hosted a Dig Indy discussion and virtual reality tour June 20. Michael Miller, manager of construction for the DigIndy project, presented a slideshow explaining the 28-mile, 18-foot diameter tunnel system under construction in Indianapolis. The tunnel is 250 feet below ground and will help keep storm water out of sanitary sewers to improve the water quality of the White River. At the end of the presentation, the library gave virtual reality tours of the tunnel using VR headsets.

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