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New Joy Lutheran Church to give back to community during nationwide event

Matt and Lydia Crouch participate in a previous God’s Work Our Hands event in Westfield. (Submitted photo)

New Joy Lutheran Church will do its part to give back to the community during the Sept. 9 nationwide day of service event called God’s Work Our Hands.

“It’s basically a call for our congregation to go serve in our community to do the work of God, the work of the Gospel, the work of our church using our hands and to do so very publicly,” Pastor Chris Duckworth said. “Lutherans have been very shy in how they express their faith, and this is meant to be, ‘Let’s get out there and boldly proclaim our love and our service.’”

The church is participating for the first time in a couple of few years. Members will create no-sew blankets for children served by Prevail and also build shelves at the organization. The church also will do restoration work at the anti-slavery cemetery in Westfield. The third project will be assisting the Westfield Parks Dept. with community work.

“There’s something about the cemetery project that really speaks to me because it’s hyper-local, and those people that defied their community and state, and even their own church, for the well-being of their fellow people who were oppressed, it’s a beautiful testimony,” Duckworth said. “I’m really jazzed about all these projects. These are necessary efforts in our community, and they’re part of our faithful call to care for our neighbor.”

Non-members of New Joy Lutheran Church are invited to participate by calling 317-896-1402. 

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