Current Publishing

Carmel Green Initiative seminar to discuss future without fossil fuels

Carmel Green Initiative will host a sustainable living seminar, “Clean Disruptions,” at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 12 at the Carmel Clay Public Library, 55 4th Ave. SE. The event will include a discussion of Stanford University futurist Tony Seba and his video, Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation.


“It’s really pretty mind-blowing,” said Leslie Webb, CGI board member. “He makes the case that we’re on the verge of an energy and transportation revolution based on the economics and the technology of solar and batteries and electric vehicles. He goes as far as saying that the economics are there to drive this technology so that it will wipe out fossil fuels off the market in about a decade.”

Kelly Snyder, senior origination manager with EDP Renewables, will discuss the new 200 MW solar farm in Randolph County that is projected to produce enough clean electricity to power approximately 37,000 homes.

In addition, former Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard will discuss his new book, “Less Oil or More Caskets: The National Security Argument for Moving Away from Oil.”

“I talk about oil and national security and why we need to move away from oil as a transportation fuel to make sure that our troops can come home from the Middle East,” Ballard said. “I go over all of what that has cost us over the last 40 years and why there is now an opportunity to move away from that and do the best thing not just for us but for the world.”

Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard will discuss how city design impacts the environment.

“I will be discussing how what we’re doing in (Carmel’s) center core is more sustainable than sprawl development,” Brainard said. “Also, we’re looking at the possibility of a solar field to help power our utilities. We’re thinking if there is a way to cut down on that expense and do it in a more sustainable way, it would be good for the community.”


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