Current Publishing

Happy Goat Lucky Yoga launches in Noblesville, offers animal therapy

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Georgia Arnett and goat Sophia.

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Jordan Stevens launched her goat yoga business in June with the establishment of Happy Goat Lucky Yoga. Already, classes are filling up each week and attracting people from across Hamilton County.

Stevens launched the business after noting the success of other goat yoga operations in Oregon — and realized how difficult it was to be sad around goats.

“I have always been open about my struggle with depression and how much goats have helped with that because it’s impossible to be sad around a baby goat,” the Noblesville resident said. “They’re the best combination between a dog and a cat. I want to create more love towards goats and let them give love to others.”

Stevens purchased two ill baby goats at an auction in September 2015 and nursed them back to health. The experience inspired Stevens to rescue more goats from unsatisfactory conditions and, in the process, grow her business. She now owns 13 goats, including nine younger than 9 months old.

During yoga sessions, the goats mill around and interact with participants.

“They climb on you and stand by someone, or lay by someone and cuddle,” Stevens said. “They’re spunky. They run around and play and jump on people’s backs.”

The September classes will be at 7 p.m. Fridays and 9 a.m. Saturday mornings at Pathways to Healing, 1212 Westfield Rd., Noblesville. Classes are $20, and yoga mat rental is available. Georgia Arnett is the instructor. Each yoga class is approximately 40 minutes, and participants have 20 minutes at the end of class to play with the goats. Classes are set at a beginner level.

“You never know what someone’s going through, and animal therapy is a great form of therapy,” Stevens said. “They’re the perfect remedy for that, even just for an hour a day.”

On Sept. 1, Happy Goat Lucky Yoga will host a movie night for $5. The movie is “Inside Out,” and snacks will be available. The goats will be present but no yoga classes will take place.

On Sept. 14, the regularly scheduled yoga class will benefit The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s annual Out of the Darkness Walk. Fifty percent of proceeds from that evening’s class will go toward Happy Goat Lucky Yoga’s $1,000 goal. Anyone that donates $5 or more will be entered into a raffle for a free yoga class.

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