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Letter: Tired of corruption in politics

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When my boys were little I used to read them “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” I feel like we are living in the emperor’s land now. I see that the emperor is naked and people are grumbling, but it is shocking and disgraceful that none of his “cabinet” are speaking up. I saw the article in the New York Times reassuring us that there is a second track of people making sure things don’t go awry! The author of this article has not reassured me; it only speaks to the immorality and deviance of this administration. He or she is trying to cover his or her butt because this person knows what’s going on is wrong, yet they don’t want to call the president out in public – they want the conservative agenda, getting Kavanaugh confirmed, to go through first. Yet, this is anything but conservative. We the public see what is going on. We see the emperor is naked and that no one will call him out. We see the hypocrisy of these actions and their legacy will be sacrificing the American Way so their agenda can be pushed through. It is so perplexing to me why people think their values have to be my values. Why can’t you do in your house what works for you and I do in my house what works for me? Why can’t I believe in something different yet we all reach out and help each other when we need it? What is the lesson our children are learning from the adults in their world? America was becoming great when my grandparents immigrated here, but I can imagine their tear-filled eyes if they knew what we have become.

I am tired of the corruption in politics today. That is why I am supporting Dee Thornton for Congress in Indiana’s 5th District. She is running against Susan Brooks, who has voted with Trump more than 98 percent of the time. Dee is a former business exec who will do the right thing. She is running a grassroots campaign with integrity and character and is reaching out to neighbors and actually listening to our concerns. We can no longer stand by and watch the downfall of our democracy; we must get out and vote.

Beth Kurlander, Carmel

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