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Letter: Brooks supports people with pre-existing conditions

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We are breast cancer survivors.

I hope everyone takes the time to learn the facts like we did, because if you do your homework, you know U.S. Rep. Susan Brooks cares about people like us, people with pre-existing conditions. We are like millions of Americans who rely on employer-based health care coverage to manage our medical needs.

We’ve read and heard that Republicans don’t care about people with pre-existing conditions – this caused great fear. Our families can’t afford to pay out-of-pocket for health insurance, so it is imperative for us to find coverage so we can manage our breast cancer history that will be part of who we are for the rest of our lives.

Susan Brooks supports the Pre-Existing Conditions Protection Act, which is a commitment to protect people living with pre-existing conditions. This reform increases access to quality, affordable care and would guarantee that we are protected from unfair, higher premium costs simply due to the status of our health history.

Additionally, Susan Brooks is one of only 33 House leaders to ensure coverage for people like us if the Affordable Care Act is repealed through her support of a House Resolution suggesting should there be a court ruling to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, Congress must act swiftly to reinstate protections for those with pre-existing conditions.

We decided to look for ourselves and were honestly relieved to learn not only does Susan Brooks support our coverage to care, but she has taken action to prioritize continued coverage as our representative in Congress. That’s why we will be voting Nov. 6 to send Congresswoman Susan Brooks back to the House of Representatives.

Judy Schnettgoecke, Fishers
Vicki Shafer, Fishers
Teri Whiteman, Noblesville
Sheryl Fox, Fishers

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